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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  June 5, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> all right let's talk terror attacks and details app reaction are still pouring in after the violence in lon g gone. >> and vladimir put up weighing in on allegations that russia tampered in the residential election. check the rundown. as always tweet us 5@630. out front uk reviewing co countser terrorism strategy after this weekend's terror attack in london. isis is claiming responsibility for the bloodshed. it's third time since march and the group said it's behind terror attack in uk. i can till i was in new york city over the weekend and staying here at times square and stark to see the contrast what was in london and people
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square without a care in the world. it change f changes just like that. there's a general election set for thursday in london and now terror attack is political with both major parties across the pond saying the other is not fit to handle terror. >> sound like here. >> what's dog on here? >> speaking of here president trump join the debate by lashing out and president tweeted in event we are and people coming into the u.s. in order to help keep country safe. >> hello. >> hello sthep. >> let's start what we saw over the weekend. first and foremost any surprises in the execution of this? any surprises to you in the response? j well execution of this resembles many recent isis claims attacks in you're and use of vehicle and use of knifes and
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are weapons and the interesting thing in response in terms of british counter terrorism was the speed of it. within eight minutes apparently the armed police were on the scene and able to kill all three attackers. and after that, the next morning, prime minister theresa may outlined what could be beginnings of a much tough every counter terrorism poll. >> i let's talk about that dr. green. just like here in the u.s. we're hearing both sides go back and forth saying one side not fit to happened this situation. in your opinion and from what you have seen are they doing everything they should be doing over there. >> and well there is always a limit to what can be done in terms of budget but the home office which theresa may ran from 2010 to 2016ry deuces budgets from policing. and
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to offer to beef up resource when's involved in cost cutting. >> and home secretary just so you know that's equivalent to home secretary in u.s. >> and as we look at theresa may and jeremy core bin and election set for later this week is this you know you hate to politicize and recent recent attack in france it's up tended to achieve political objectives and attack following soon after the manchester bombing less than two weeks earlier and days before the election on thursday has to be political and it's hard to tell whether it will khaevrp the outcome of election. theresa may is consistently ahead in the polls and though it's narrowed there's no sign this will have ear serious affect on
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>> dr. dominick green contributor to weekly standard. thanks for weighing in we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> london, england, east france, berlin, germany all hit since march. >> all target of new wave ofer is terror. how likely is d.c. to be a target. live on the national mall. fitz every time we see an attack whether concert could this happen at the verizon center or -- or somewhere like that. >> sure. >> well you know it's a natural human thought when you see things around the world like that you bring it back home and you wonder if it can happen in your own backyard. let's remember d.c. the d.c. area was a target on 9/11 we were hit on 9/11 a lot of this moderner ra of islamic ext extremist terrorism started here literally in our bone backyard at the pentagon. the question is can we be
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the expert we spoke to said the answer is clear, yes. despite the fact home land security officials are working the intelligence or working sources they're working behind the scenes to stop all this stuff the problem here is in the latest manifesttation of the stuff the so-called low tech attacks they're not talking about the al-quida style catastrophic attacks and teams of people taking over aircraft which require large amounts of coordination and large amounts of communication which spreads out a wide foot present out there and security officials can trace and stop. no we're talking at least in london attack 48 hours ago teams of three people. sometimes as little as one. and that becomes a whole different ball game. because then you're not able to tap into some sort of network and often times you're dealing with one individual. we talked to the
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this mayor muriel bowser and she said a couple things. they're aware of threat it's constant. she does not offer and cannot offer 100% guarantees but listen how she talked about the ongoing effort perpetual effort to keep on top of this and make sure they get to these people before they get in these trucks. and they try to initiated one of these types of attacks. this is what she to say. >> we'reny our nation's capital and symbol of democracy around the world and we prepare that way each and every day. and so there will be some things that chief of police and partnership with his intelligence gathering with the federal partners and other partners will do. if the conditions or intelligence suggests he should. in fact we can tell we saw a larger more visible presence by u.s. capital police it's with certain
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set newspaper areas we previously had not seen park police telling us tonight they are in concert and constant communication with law enforcement partners and however as you might understand they does not want to go to detail about exactly how it is they are meeting this threat. understand there's a limit to how far all this work can go. we're maition's capital and tourist destination and areas we are with the national mall there's wide expansion of landscape out here and large groups of people walking a long paths that do not have vehicle barriers in front of them. we went over at one point today to talk to david and sarah. david is homeland scorety expert. the lesson in all this is that the work you don't see in this case becomes most important that intelligence gathering david says is key to stopping all this this is how he described that. >> we can do barriers and these types
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are sway using intelligence to find them. >> if ceez in their hands and in the vehicles you need to intercept before that point you. >> need to inlt september them before they get to the national mall. >> that is hard truth. there's no 100% guarantees in thinks business jim and shawn ul ultimately it's up to law enforcement officials to stop these people to get in the cars and stop them before they pick up the knifes. >> fitz let me get your pchbility looking down there barring rain, do you think people are going out daily lives differently because of this. jim mentioned when in new york earlier things were the same in times square. over in london we know there's fewer people out on the st street. what are you seeing? >> well i would see normal activity shawn to be blupt about it and jim is right. the fact that the people who live here in
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native washingtonians and them maryland, virginia, they're used to these kinds of things. it's not uncommon if you see heavily armed law enforcement officer somebody out of town might whip out a camera and take a picture it's something they don't see never day life. there's a two-fold response to this kind of thing. by in large we saw a lot of normal every day activity out here today. >> and like the mayor of london said do not be alarmed and the tweet was taken a bit in a different direction by the president. fitz thank you so much. >> now to other stories tr trending tonight supreme court could decide if president trump travel ban sgrim nature against muslims it. banned refugees from countries designated on trump terror. >> russian president vladimir putin denying any russian hack
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of u.s. hacking andp he says spitz could have had made evidence. he suggests private hackers may have interfered. >> in europe i have not seen once direct proof of russian interference in the presidential election in the united states. the united states, every , where all over the world, actively interferes with he welcome toreal cam paipz of other country. >> it comes as law makers in supposed to hear from fbi director comey on thursday. >> fbi director and nsa director admiral rothers are scheduled to testify as we mentioned. >> this would be the first time he speaks publicly since he was last director. sanders says the president will not stop comey from testifying. the president's power to exert executive privilege is well established and however in order to
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and thorough examination of the facts sought by snaint intelligence committee president trump will into the certificate executive privilege regarding james comey scheduled testimony. >> he's sxexed to discuss -- >> weighing in on this one and we should meng in the past michael represented the trump corporation and first lady mel ania trump. now you look at the travel ban and say it's the wroming way to go. >> the travel ban in my opinion is a wrong message. the president is not a bigot or preming tuesday but trooing to keep america disgrace. when you have 11 million people in the united states in the backyard without any credible immigration plant. soy think that it was well intended but ill conceived and unconstitutional. >> let's switch it over and talk about
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talking about thursday much anticipated testimony of former fbi director mr. comey. there let me ask you he was very guarded when he heard him speak before there was certain things he could or could not say when he see him testify do you see him open autopsy and share more. >> this is not lovey dovey leader. the gentleman served under two presidents as fbi director and served under three separate presidents as federal prosecutor he will be thoughtful and deliberate and well oiled and answer questions put to him n my opinion he's beyond reproach and i think the president it handling this well by not envokeing executive privilege and allowing the process to go. this is a yawn in my opinion in the end. if flynn stepped out of line unbe knownest to administration
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>> it's like the old car toops torture is lit. you have to let it go and explode. i think the president contributory negligenceer happy as he is in the stweets understand this is not going to envoke executive privilege and i think mr. comey is not going to take fifth amendment. in the end he'll talk about what happened and his work product and the privilege of having that job and speaking directly to the president and then coining what happened in that exchange and let's cut down to the simple chase this president was elected not because of politician not because politically correct hi doesn't pull punches and could be it was not anything criminal or inappropriate for the president to actually ask director of fb toyxt stave off the investigation for a period. vd time or in a certain direction. >> so that's obstruction of justice and it's not as cut and dry. by weighing in
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questions that's it. >> president of the united states is in charge of the justice department and attorney general fbi together them what's the point of being president of the united states if you cannot telt director of fb toyxt do something or not do something. i understand it looks poor and poor taste if somebody in his administration may i have been unwords or unclean but we don't know the president played into that. >> certainly we'll hear testimony from fbi director james comey thursday. thank you for joining us michael wild we appreciate your thoughts on the topic. >> let's move on tonight. we have fun here 5@60. we'll spread the word. shaw tavern u street will on ep early thursday to broadcast comey highly anticipated testimony. they're calling in comey hearing
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>> and popcorn as well. >> you have to have pop quhorn you watch the show. >> and despite trump announcing he's out, we'll tell who you is in. right after this
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>>? today president trump urged congress to privatize the control system and make it separate from the faa. privatizing air traffic control would make it more efficient and opponents say it would drive up the cost of air fare for consumers. there was a push for infrastructure reform package and by the way this is not the first time a president tried private ties air traffic control. ronald reagan talked about it in maybe and a report men mentioned in in 2004. >> may b
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city mayors across the kupts write and around the world to the paris climate accord. >> they breathed to reduce emissions by 2050. bob barnard reports. >> d.c. mayor bowser signed executive order today brianing the district government to the paris climate accord. the same one the united states just vacated on orders ever president trump. >> the effects of climate change are already here and without proper planning and collaboration they will continue to get worse. >> officials say disstrict is already making efforts to reduce carbon footprint. supporting programs that among other things provide solar pan tolls city residents at a discount. >> over the next 15 years we'll find about a half billion worth of solar projects throughout d. drorks generate our own power so reducing sglus mayor becauseer says city effort to reduce global warming
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unreasonably burden d.c. taxpayers. >> we're confident that we will no matter what the decisions are at the federal level continue to form policies that will hope this protect our earth. >> of course there are many who support president trump's pittsburgh not paris philosophy and this rally outside the white house backing president's position that the paris climate accord places unfair burden on u.s. businesses and u.s. economy. d.c. government responded by lighting up the wilson bu building in green. mayor becauseer saying she wants district government go in a different direction. in northwest. bob barnard, "fox5 local news". >> by the way a lot of people said there was irony with the president holding or supporters holding pittsburgh not paris ral any lafayette park which of course is fresh name. >> irony of politics sometimes
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>> there's a lot more ahead 5@630. >> shawn, jim, well i spoke with two gold star mothers. mother who's have lost their sons at battle. really telling tale they have to share. they're with the president at the white house. we'll tell you why this is important to them after the break. he's a guy with values. he's somebody who says, i am going to make change. and i wanna make change not for the richest, not for the most powerful, i'm gonna make change to make this economy work better for hardworking families.
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visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer. visit your volvo dealer to take advantage >> our own ronica cleary spoke with two gold star morps attending that dinner. ronica what did they have to say? >> jim, shawn, well, you know i'll tell you was a powerful interview as you both know my husband served. and on days like memorial day and on days you meet people gold star family members if you have a family member hat served you take a moment to be thankful for the fact your loved one came home. the first thing we do is i want to show you names of their sons whose lives were lost while serving
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mark tyler vos died and first lieutenant martin died october 14, 2007 and first thing i asked them why was evening like this important and take a listen to the interview. and to have our nation recognize those give ouring lives in service for our country and as a mother it just touch miss heart that my son is still remembered for that. >> to me it's important that our administration recognizes families ever the fallen especially around memorial d day. memorial day and to me it warms my hard to know we have administration that reach out to families of the fallen. >> what's the message you want to send to our viewers and
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to take away down at the white house. >> >> remember they lived and sdi ford a purpose and reason and that purpose was bigger than they were they deposit understand what their whole purpose was about. it's so important to continue to say names and continuing to remember they lived for a reason. and died for a reason. >> i think i would echo that. you know again as a mother our greatest desires are that our children are not forgotten and our children did give their lives and service to the country for all of us and we you know appreciate those who continue to remember them and continue to remember their service and to remember why they served our country for their freedom. >> now you heard candy martin talk about the
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sons names. one more time marcy voss lost her son captain mark tyler voss 2013 and candy left thomas martin in 2007. now the women stress the organization is not political. they're there to honor, cherish and remember lives of those lost and they told me they wear white to celebrate their sons' lives and the lives lost in that organization that they particularly recognize. >> 5@630 will be right back. introducing fios gigabit connection. superfast internet at an incredible price. with speeds up to 940 megs. that's 20x faster than most people have. and, it's just $79.99 a month online for 1 year.
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[sound of wrench] [intricate guitar riff] [engine starts] [guitar continues] >> is he in a new position. >> in case you missed the reporters in gallery today were asking sarah huk by sanders wherein the world was sean spicer t
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>> shawn spacer was working in the white house. there you have it. >> we'll see you back here 10, 10:30 and 11. >> and 11:30, that's right! .
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7:00 pm
announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: the manchester concert was a huge success. but even that could not bring two guys who hate each other back together. >> there's rumors that oasis were going to get back together. liam gallagher showed up. noel was nowhere to be seen. after the concert, liam got on twitter and goes -- [bleep]. >> they are historically always at each other's throats. and that's kind of what you like about it. [laughter] >> kanye west, now he's trying to take on high school athletics at the calabasas high school. he wants to change the uniform color scheme. >> they bring in these athletes that are young, trendsetting people and he's going to be able to put kanye designs on these taste makers. harvey: when the game starts, these guys kind of come out and do like -- [laughter]


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